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Learner Driver Car Insurance 10% off online

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Driver number capture

Road Traffic Legislation will soon require a driver number for each driver named on a policy. Use this link to update your policy and save time at renewal.

 Learner Driver Insurance Ireland

Learner or Young Drivers are typically aged between 17-24 , learning to drive or to build up their driving experience. We're car insurance experts, so understand the learning curve is steep, not least in terms of learning the rules of the road, but also learning about the cover you need on your own or another's vehicle. Then there's cost, which varies based on experience and the existence or not of a no claims discount. So, a lot of moving parts, which is why a quick call to our team might be a beneficial first step. Or, if you've been on the road with some time and just want a quick quote, read on to learn about the benefits of choosing SuperValu Learner Driver Insurance.


  • Up to 10% off online
  • Extra 10% discount if a parent/sibling or anyone in the household has a car policy with us
  • €20 in SuperValu Vouchers*
  • Extra discounts for having a claims-free record
  • Reductions based on named driver experience

Policy Benefits

  • Trust: No tracking, No telematics, No driving apps or other driving monotoring devices required
  • €500 theft cover for personal portables if your car is stolen
  • No excess on fire or theft if you car is stolen

Being a Learner Driver is a big deal and getting your driving licence a huge achievement. To help you get started, we'll post you out a FREE L & N car sticker pack. Simply get a quote and enter your quote reference below.*


How can I get the best price on my Learner Driver car insurance?

First get a few quotes to compare. We know we've got great rates so we're super confident our premiums will work for you. Use the "Get a quote" button on this page to get a quote from us, literally takes a few minutes. Make sure to note any driving experience to date and if a parent has a policy etc, as all these discounts add up!

Will the type of car I choose make a difference to the insurance cost?

Yes it does. The age of the car, model, engine size as well as the car value have an influence on your premium. The newer the car for example, the higher the replacement cost so this needs to be reflected in the premium.

How do I amend my car policy from a provisional to a full licence?

Well, firstly congratulations on passing your driving test! To make this change call us on 0818 01 01 01 and we'll update it then.

What is named driving experience?

If you are named as a driver on someone else's policy, you will earn a discount for your claims-free driving years on that policy. You can earn up to a maximum of 6 years named driving experience, once the 6 years are continuous with no gaps in between.

Should I only have my name on the policy?

You should do this if you want to work towards your OWN no claims discount. Each year you don’t claim on your policy, this discount builds up, so for 5 years no claims for example, you will qualify for a 75% discount.

How do I get advice for a very specific query?

Customers have told us that we are really sound to deal with, so just give us a quick call on 0818 01 01 01 or if you'd prefer e-mail us your query at:  supervalumotor@axa.ie

7108 SV CarInsur Web 800x600 Desk2

Call us on

0818 01 01 01

Opening Hours

09:00 to 18:00
Monday to Friday

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T & C's apply. €20* in vouchers includes 2 €10 off €40 spend vouchers in SuperValu on car policies bought or renewed. Vouchers are issued 28 days after policy start date. Vouchers are subject to specific terms and conditions of use, please see reverse of the voucher for these t & c’s. Provision of correct e-mail address is required to issue vouchers. Free L & N sticker packs apply to online Young Driver (aged 17-24) quotes, where a quote reference was submitted. Packs will be sent out to the address provided on the quote subject to stock availability. Strictly 1 per customer. **75% No claims bonus applies to drivers who have 5 or more year’s claims free driving.

Some of the links above bring you to external websites. Your use of an external website is subject to the terms of that site.

SuperValu Car insurance is underwritten by AXA. AXA Insurance DAC is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Standard acceptance criteria, terms and conditions apply.

SuperValu Financial Services DAC t/a SuperValu Insurance, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Find out more about our Terms of Business and Remuneration

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